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Free Appropriate Public Education



  • Individualized and Appropriate Education

    • Appropriate education- defined by two criteria of and standards and individualization. In Rowley it was founded that an appropriate education is provided by the IEP.

    • IEP- Team is composed of the student's parents; regular education teacher of the student, if the student is or may be participating m the general education environment, special education teacher, an individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results, the student (when appropriate).

    • Detsel’s ruling amended the Medicaid law in 1986 which allowed Medicaid funds to be used for health-related services.


  • Individualized Education

    • Professionalism-leadership has become more collaborative as it becomes distributive. (skills-based- knowledge-based)

    • Accountability- NCLB- IDEA 2004 builds upon NCLB by emphasizing increased accountability for student performance at the classroom, school and district levels.

    • Titles and Roles- Professionalism within your role is essential in providing the delivery of high-quality evidence-based special education programs. Titles represent the form of standards.


  • Changes in the Law: Revisions for 2017

    • "Some" Educational Benefit v. "Meaningful" Educational Benefit- Much earlier discussion of the Endrew F. case revolved around the phrases “some educational benefit” versus “meaningful educational benefit.” This decision did not fully address these arguments but focused on progress, growth and being "fully integrated,” as in the original Rowley decision.

    • “IEP Must Enable Child to Make Progress: A Plan for Academic and Functional Advancement"-The IEP must aim to enable the child to make progress. After all, the essential function of an IEP is to set out a plan for pursuing academic and functional advancement.

    • Parents and School Authorities "Fully Air Respective Opinions on Progress the Child's IEP Should Pursue"-At the same time, deference is based on the application of expertise and the exercise of judgment by school authorities. The Act vests these officials with responsibility for decisions of critical importance to the life of a disabled child. The nature of the IEP process, from the initial consultation through state administrative proceedings, ensures that parents and school representatives willfully air their respective opinions on the degree of progress a child’s IEP should pursue.


In Rowley it was founded that an appropriate education is provided by the IEP.  Within the development of the IEP there needed to be a team of a member who are educating the child to develop the IEP and carry out the goals presented within. The team composed of teachers, and LEA and the parents. Related services provided to the student are also included in the IEP. Within the meeting, the LEA and special education teacher are to maintain a professional role within their title because leadership has become more collaborative as it has become distributive.  The Endrew F. case revolved around the phrases “some educational benefit” versus “meaningful educational benefit.” This decision did not fully address these arguments but focused on progress, growth and being "fully integrated,” as in the original Rowley decision.  Education should always be meaningful which is why we have modification and accommodations in the IEP. Evidence-based practices would be the driving force which pushes the IEP through and continues to allow valued learning for the student in which it was developed for. These are developed from testing through the special education team. After all, the essential function of an IEP is to set out a plan for pursuing academic and functional advancement.      


  • Turnbull, H. R., Stowe, M., & Huerta, N. (2007). Free appropriate public education: The law and children with disabilities. Denver, CO: Love Publishing Company. 

  • McLaughlin, M. J., & Ruedel, K. (2012). The school leader's guide to special education.Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

  • Endrew v. Douglas County: IDEA Demands More: Inclusion & Progress in Regular Curriculum; IEP 'Tailored to Unique Needs' by Peter Wright, Esq.


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