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“Ci3T models are data-informed, graduated systems of support constructed to address academic, behavioral, and social domains, with an overarching goal of supporting all learners in inclusive environments by maximizing available expertise through professional collaborations among school personnel (Lane, Kalberg, & Menzies, 2009). This model recognizes students’ multifaceted needs and offers a structure for school-site leadership teams to consider students’ multiple needs simultaneously in an integrated fashion. In this model, data from multiple sources such as academic screening tools (e.g., AIMSweb; Pearson Education, 2008), behavior screening tools (e.g., the Student Risk Screening Scale [Drummond, 1994]), office discipline referrals, and attendance (absenteeism and tardiness) are monitored. These data are analyzed in conjunction with treatment integrity data of primary prevention efforts to accurately (a) assess responsiveness to the primary plan and (b) inform the introduction of additional supports for students needing more intensive assistance in an efficient, effective manner. This model also builds in regularly scheduled planning time for school-site leadership, grade-level, and department-level teams to review data in order to assess implementation, consider stakeholders’ views of the program, and examine students’ academic, behavioral, and social performance” (Lane, Oakes, & Menzies, 2014, p. 123).

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